
机械式外割刀(Mechanical External Cutters)


机械式外割刀是一种利用弹簧自动进给在管外进行切割管材的割刀。由于弹簧自动进给,他可避免由于丝钻操作失误施加过大拉力而毁坏割刀,割断后可与落鱼同时起出,该割刀可切割5”和4 1/2” 钻杆,在切割不同钻杆时,需要更换相应得卡紧套。

Mechanical external cutter is a tool cutting pipes on outside wall, which utilizes spring force to feed automatically. Because of adopting spring feed automatically,the cutting elements can be precented from being damaged by alarge pulling force for driller slippde up in his operation. This cutter(Φ208)can cut 5”and 4 1/2” drill pipes and can also be lifted out from well together with the fish having been cut off. It you want to cut different drill pipes, must change the spring clamp suitable for the size of the drill pipe to be cut.